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North Devon Arts Annual Summer exhibition
at Studio KIND.
5th - 18th June 2021
Open daily 12:00-5:30pm

Following on from a successful show in December 2020, North Devon Arts group returns to Studio KIND. for their summer exhibition.


North Devon Arts is a friendly and informal networking group of professional and amateur artists, including painters, sculptors, ceramicists, graphic designers, textile artists, writers, furniture makers, printmakers and stained glass artists. NDA was set up in 1998 to enable artists and those interested in the arts to find a way to connect and develop across a large rural area, and the dispersed communities within it.


NDA is a forum to encourage all types of artists to come together, to promote and encourage participation of and interest in visual arts in North Devon, to encourage people of all backgrounds to develop their interests and skills and create a higher understanding of art in the community.


The summer exhibition will showcase work made during any of the three lockdowns throughout the pandemic.  


All work exhibited is available for sale, giving visitors the chance to engage with and support art from within our community.




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